The Rev. Jan Brown is Founder/Executive Director of SpiritWorks Foundation Center for the Soul. An ordained Deacon in the Episcopal Church, Archdeacon of the Diocese of Southern Virginia, she serves at Bruton Parish Church in Williamsburg, VA. Jan is a graduate of the College of William and Mary with a BA in Psychology, is certified as a Peer Recovery Support Specialist, a Recovery Coach Professional and international scholar on Addiction Studies. She has a Master of Science Degree in Addiction Studies from the International Programme on Addiction Studies at King’s College in London, the University of Adelaide and Virginia Commonwealth University. She is a woman with addiction in long term recovery, the immediate past Chair of the Board of Directors of Faces and Voices of Recovery, Recovery Consultant on SAMHSA States Targeted Response (STR) Technical Assistance Center Team, Consensus Panel member for the SAMHSA TIP – Peer Recovery Support Specialists and co-chair of the Addictions and Recovery Commission for the Diocese of Southern Virginia. In 2014 she was appointed by the Governor of Virginia to serve on the Governor’s Task Force on Prescription Drug and Heroin Abuse. In 2015 The Rev. Brown was appointed by the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church to serve on the Commission on Impairment and Leadership. She continues to hold appointed positions within The Episcopal Church as well as the international addiction and recovery community. Jan was recently inducted into the Hall of Fame, class of 2022, of the Museum of African American Addictions, Treatment and Recovery.